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Privacy policies

These privacy policies ("policies") explain how DAR-MAR ​​​​vl. Marijo Prnjak (hereinafter: DAR-MAR ​​vl. Marijo Prnjak, data controller) collects, uses and manages your personal data. DAR-MAR ​​vl. Marijo Prnjak is dedicated to protecting and respecting your privacy. Please read this policy carefully to understand why and how we collect your personal information and how it will be used.

Regarding the personal data we collect, DAR-MAR ​​​​vl. Marijo Prnjak is the "controller", that is, the one who determines the needs and means by which personal data is processed.

Our policy describes the type of personal data we collect and process, the reasons for processing the data, the retention period, the security measures we take to protect personal data from misuse, and the procedures you should follow if you have any questions or requests regarding your personal data.

If you wish to contact us regarding these policies or regarding your personal information, please use the following contact information:


Name of the trade: DAR-MAR ​​owner Marijo Prnjak

Address: Molizanskih Hrvata 2/3,

HR-21300 Makarska, Croatia

OIB: 97848689336


Maslinarska 12

HR-21300 Makarska, Croatia

Phone number: +385 98 947 45 55




DAR-MAR ​​owner Marijo Prnjak respects your privacy and the security of your personal data. We guarantee the users of our services that we will treat all personal data as confidential information and business secrets. Under no circumstances do we assign, forward or exchange personal data and e-mails of our users that we collect through the reservation system or contact form.


As is the case with many other portals, ours can be used with "cookies" (small files that we save on your computer when you access our websites in order to enable the basic or additional functionality of those pages) and other technologies that make it easier for us to deliver content depending on your areas of interest, processing reservations or requests, and/or analyzing the characteristics of your visits. Cookies cannot be used to reveal your personal identity. When you access our web pages, this information identifies your browser to our servers, but not you.

We use different types of cookies:

Necessary cookies - they are necessary for the functioning of the website, which cannot function without them. This means that the website cannot be opened or displayed without these cookies. These cookies are used for the purpose of transmission of communication or are necessary for providing an information society service that is expressly required from the user of such service. Also, these cookies will enable us to perform a basic analysis of websites with the aim of improving the website's performance through data that is completely anonymized, i.e. not based on your personal data or data that can be linked to you in any way. For these cookies, your consent is not required and we do not ask for it.

Functional cookies - we use them to perform a more advanced analysis of website performance. These cookies are used to analyze user behavior, and based on the obtained anonymous data, we can determine what website visitors want and view most, so we are then able to adjust the website and make its content and functionality as easy to use as possible. We ask for your consent for these cookies.

Advertising cookies - we use them to analyze your interests and wishes, and they serve us to market information that is interesting to you and create offers adapted to your use of the website

We ask for your consent for these cookies.

DAR-MAR ​​vl. Marijo Prnjak stores cookies in the database and keeps them for a maximum of 2 years for the purpose of informing about special and personalized offers, news and events organized via online channels (e-mail, internet, online promotions).

You can always delete the cookies that are saved on your computer, thus preventing the further processing of your personal data through such technology.


IP addresses are numbers that are unique to every computer currently connected to the Internet. They are used to identify recipients and senders of data over the Internet. Our server records the IP address of your PC during every transaction within the reservation system for safe transfer and protection against misuse of your data. The user's personal data is not available outside the reservation system.


When you send us a reservation request, we collect your first and last name, residential address, e-mail address and telephone number, as well as other information that we need in order to provide you with feedback on available accommodation units.

We provide the users of the reservation system with the highest level of data protection. To confirm the authenticity of our websites and secure data transfer between your computer and our servers, we use an SSL certificate from a recognized issuer and communication encryption. All personal data, numbers of personal documents, credit cards or other means of payment that users submit through the reservation system, are transmitted exclusively via a connection secured by encryption in accordance with current international standards.

After the reservation has been successfully confirmed, personal data will be further processed in order to fulfill our legal obligation to register in the national eVisitor guest record center, to provide and increase the quality of the service. Which is why, in addition to the above data, we also collect the number, date and place of issuance of the personal document, citizenship, country of residence, date and place of birth.

DAR-MAR ​​vl. Marijo Prnjak reserves the right to change any information provided in this document. All possible changes will be immediately available to users on these pages

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